An Initiation Towards Personal Wisdom

Connect deeply to your nature.


June 3 –16th, 2024 , 7 Day Solo, Basque Country (Spain)

July 13- July 21, 2024 Mystical Man Wisdom Quest (Spain)

August 11th – 20th, 2024, TEENAGERS 15-19 Welcome 5 day solo, Basque Country (Spain)

September 10th – 20th, 2024, 5 day solo, Basque Country (Spain)

March 2 – March 15, 2025 – New Zealand, 5 days Nature Quest


Please call or contact us here with any questions or if you want to schedule a private Wisdom Quest.


The Call

When you feel the call and the longing to connect to something bigger. You want to discover why you’re really here, who you are, and reach your true potential. Something deep inside you has awakened a desire to find something greater than what society has to offer.

The Preparation

Preparation for the Wisdom Quest requires deep thought, clear intention, and careful planning. The experience requires dietary changes, spiritual preparation, proper intention setting, and acquiring equipment as part of the process of reconnecting with nature and to our own divine wisdom.


The Experience

There is no greater adventure than discovering who you are. Connect with sacred land and uncover your expansive nature. Take this journey with loved ones and friends, or in the serenity of your own presence. Gather yourself and prepare to set foot on a life-long journey of learning, growth, and empowerment.

What is a Wisdom Quest?

Wisdom Awakenings in Nature

Nature Wisdom Quests

Throughout the history of the world and dating back through time unknown, people from all nations, cultures, and religions have used nature as a way of gaining insight, wisdom, and power; Great prophets, leaders, artists, philosophers, and influential guides have turned to nature to gain renewed clarity & wisdom.

Immersion into nature is a rite of passage, a sacred initiation, and a deep place of inspiration that teaches us how to touch our inner-essence, strengthen our connection to source, and awaken our inner wisdom, enabling the true expression of our own creative uniqueness. Join the elite and commune with Nature’s sacred teachings to unlock the door to your own divine wisdom and knowledge.


Seasonal Groups

Discover the rich mysticism of the Basque Pyrenees, learning from their ancient heritage and gentle mountains kissing the sea. Meditate in ancient faeric forests and fly high with the eagles, hawks and golden vultures. Meet other wisdom seekers from around the world. Uncover your true desires and potential. Our Summer programs run monthly from May to September.

Custom & Private

Customized programs can consist of shorter or longer nature solos, private groups, families, or solo experiences, and can be personalized to evoke the greatest benefit from your Wisdom Quest. Together, we can choose different places around the world, and create the experience with other ceremonies or rituals to fit your desire.

Executive Groups

To become a cohesive team, one must know him or herself as an individual, recognizing that each person creates a spoke on a wheel, representing the group as a whole. Embark on a wisdom quest as an executive team for a deeper intervention on the path to a greater purpose. Revert to your instincts and develop natural team building and pack-like bonding. Through intensive teachings and establishing awareness, you will create a work environment with a strong sense of individuality and community.

Watch the videos

Wisdom from Participants

Watch interviews and testimonials on individual experiences of the Wisdom Quest.  Watch our introduction video and hear Masters John P. Milton, Tenzin Rengyal Rinpoche, Manex Ibar, and others talk about the benefits of nature solos.




Days in Nature


Km walked

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