A Modern Rite Of Passage Into Personal Wisdom


Awaken the Magical & Mystical through Nature Empowerement


LED BY MANEX & Victoria Ibar

with special guest Michael & Rachel PERRETT from GREEN SCHOOL New Zealand

Wisdom Quest is a profound personal experience with nature, that creates a deep trans-personal transformation. Leaders, prophets, politicians, philosophers, spiritualists, artists, and inspiring individuals, have all sought nature for deep inspiration; and returned with great wisdom to share with the world, impacting their lives and the lives of others. As a rite of passage or initiation, vision quests cultivate a deep inner transformation that lasts a lifetime. The experience results in creating an authentic presence towards your true nature, and a profound connection with spirit.


A vision quest is a powerful experience that awakens your inner power and purpose, through your relationship with the natural world. By spending time alone, deeply immersed, you allow for mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical shifts to occur. Your time spent in contemplation is enhanced with guided meditations, shamanic initiations, and teachings that bring you clarity, creativity, spirituality, and wisdom.


Traditionally, indigenous people used the vision quest as a rite of passage into adulthood. The quester, usually around twelve to fourteen years of age, would give up his belongings to gain his true essence. Led to a sacred place atop a mountain, the quester would stay in a circle (called the medicine wheel), to gain a ”vision” of his life purpose. After the immersion in nature, the quester would return to the community with his vision. They would celebrate and offer gifts, usually surmounting to more then the quester had before, enabling him to realize his vision! The community placed a deep value on welcoming home a clear and purposeful member.


Join a truly life changing experience in the magical mountains of New Zealand, exploring the Lord of the Rings lands, with a modern shamanic rite of passage into nature intelligence.  Recharge, transform, and elevate your performance with powerful and proven teachings that will help you understand and shift into your highest expression of yourself.  


Throughout time, our prophets, leaders, and influencers of change had one aspect in common – they immersed themselves in nature to be inspired to their core.  Our ancestors used nature immersion (being in. Autre alone for several days) as a means to gain purpose, clarity, and maturity towards attaining wisdom and aligned action! 


As a modern rite of passage, manex and victoria guide you through a powerful shift of personal wisdom, activating your inner gifts and power, so that you can join the emerging leaders that are needed for our new earth.  Plugging back into nature intelligence awakens our higher genetics, cleanses our conditioned thinking and allows for incredible creativity to innovate change and solutions for a constructive future, whether personal or collective.

Join the New Zealand wisdom quest and be dropped off by helicopter in a remote power location where Nature’s Intelligence can guide you to your elevated dates of consciousness so that you can achieve your greatness.



With Modern Teachings for Self Empowerment


Throughout our existence, cultures from around the world have revered the immersion in nature, as a rite of passage. Today’s business and political leaders have found their true purpose by following in the steps of past prophets, spiritual guides, and wise elders, in communing alone in nature, thus allowing them to lead and inspire from a place of true wisdom.

In Nature’s grace, the veil of illusion, noise, and pollution will lift away, to reveal our unique inner voice – our own Nature. In the silence of solitude and bathed in the power of the Earth, we encounter our strength, courage, creativity, and capacity to forgive and love. Our true essence is revealed as we give ourselves this moment to dance with universal flow.

From this program of guidance and shamanic teachings, individuals return with a deeper sense of purpose, power, and creativity.


Deep teachings from several lineages towards fast and powerful transformation, tools for life, and knowledge that allows for your wonder and wisdom to breakthrough.  The first part of the teachings during the first 3 days include the following:


  • Sweat Lodge and Purification Ceremony
  • Specialized Guided Meditations
  • Personalized Human Design and Sphinx Code Reading
  • Wisdom Quest Tarot Cards and Teachings
  • Principles and Practice of Qi-Gong
  • I-Ching Consciousness
  • Totemic Journey and Experiences

NATURE IMMERSION (6 Days and 5 Nights):

Solo Outdoor Backpacking Immersion on a Sacred Site.
Medicine Circle and meditations in nature



  • Integration teachings – keeping the sacred
  • Sharing Circle and Journaling
  • Plant Medicine Ceremonies (optional)
  • Closing Feast


We will be staying in a beautiful refuge on the Milford sound.
These facilities are meant for high-end clamping style.  



Organic meals and snacks for 9 days will be provided. Please let us know of any food allergies in advance.



An email with a detailed packing list will be circulated after your registration. Questions can be sent to [email protected]


Manex & Victoria Ibar - YOUR GUIDES & TEACHERS



Manex Ibar is a natural mystic, and recognized global leader in conscious energetics and shamanism. Known for his expertise in subconscious archetypes and patterning, combined with his ability to bridge high-level concepts of spiritual consciousness with scientific methodology, he is sought after for personal, relationship, and corporate guidance and optimization. With 25 years of initiation into spiritual wisdom traditions and occult knowledge, and a 15 year long professional practice in guiding individuals; Manex brings light, and practical tools, to solve complex situations that arise with life. As a reputed ceremonial master and workshop leader, Manex also publishes media on spiritual consciousness, subconscious energetics, shamanism, and the power of creativity as our human expansion. Called on by global spiritual and business leaders for his vision, wisdom, practical techniques, creative solutions, and warm-hardheartedness while hosting enriching experiences, Manex fluidly integrates his enlightened connection with Nature and Source. 




Victoria Cappuccio is an emerging Clinical and Spiritual Herbalist and Spagyric Creator. She believes in energetic and plant medicine as a path of personal and collective healing and transmutation.

Initiated from a young age into the shamanic, metaphysical, and plant path, her call to awaken, like many, came in the form of physical illness. It was through this experience she understood the cosmic and planetary influence that was attempting to align her to her purpose and path. She came to recognize the crystallization of physical imbalance in the body is rooted in spiritual and energetic lessons. She believes that our relationships with plants, as intelligent messengers of the cosmos, exists to facilitate our soul’s development, and evolution of our consciousness. As a conduit, she is a carrier of their medicine, sharing their healing and gifts with others.



Michael & Rachel Perrett - Greenschool New Zealand

Michael & Rachel Perrett are a powerful couple that have several successful businesses together, including bringing Green School to the modern world.  As residents of the New Zealand, they will be our guides towards an incredible moment in this magical place, hosting us with the kiwi ways.



MARCH 2 – 15, 2023

Please arrive on Thursday by 8pm so you can settle in and prepare your sleeping space. We will have a meeting on Thursday evening followed by a welcome dinner. Teachings begin Friday morning and end Sunday evening with a sacred sweat lodge ceremony. The nature solo starts Monday and will end Sunday morning. After returning from the mountains, we will have plant medicine ceremonies. The plant medicine ceremonies are not required, but this is truthfully the best and safest time to explore this sacred medicinal gift. On Saturday, we will have a sharing circle and closing ceremony. Each Wisdom Quest begins on Thursday evening and concludes after the closing circle and final dinner on 13 days later. All participants are expected to be present from the beginning to the end of the Wisdom Quest.




New Zealand Queenstown – The Lord Of The Rings Mountains.
a magical and mystical place where the glaciers overlooking the mountains that drive their lakes into rivers with epic waterfalls
Pick up arrangements and requests are coordinated by [email protected].

Airport – Queenstown New Zealand.



$ 7500 USD 

* If you need financial help, sponsorship, or to set up a payment plan, please contact us.

Limited Space

To keep the Quest sacred, space is limited to 12 people. Wisdom Quests will fill on a first come, first served basis. Thank you for your understanding.

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